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Writer's pictureElijah-Alavi Foundation

Child Safety-What's Elijah's Law?

What's Elijah's Law? Understanding Child Safety And Allergies

Losing a child is every parent's worst nightmare, and that's exactly what Thomas Silvera and Dina Hawthorne-Silvera had to endure when their three-year-old, Elijah-Alavi, passed away after being exposed to a food allergen at daycare. Striving to create something positive from their pain, the Silvera family has fought for the passage of Elijah's Law. Currently on the books in New York State, Elijah's Law requires that daycare and school workers go through proper training on food allergies. They must understand how to prevent allergies, how to keep students safe, and what to do in the event that an allergic reaction occurs. It's Silvera's hope that Elijah's Law saves other students from suffering like Elijah.

If your child deals with food allergies, you know how important it is that the child care services you choose are up to date on child safety when it comes to avoiding allergens. If the story of Elijah's tragic story has touched your heart, do your part when it comes to ensuring child safety while little ones are at child care services by reaching out to your local lawmakers (if you are not currently residing in New York, where Elijah's Law has already passed). When you talk with your lawmakers about child safety, you're not just doing your part to keep your child safe - you're doing your part to keep all children safe.

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