Hi Food Allergy Family And Friends. Check out this super cool app by Detectiveharleyfadd They are very excited to announce that their free children’s educational app, Detective Harley’s Food Allergy Game, is now available in app stores!
Head to https://www.detectiveharleyfadd.com/get-the-app where you can download from either the App Store or Google Play. (Link is also available in our bio.) It’s free, fun, educational, and has over 100 screens that will keep your kids busy in a good way.

What more could you want?
If you’ve enjoyed Harley’s videos and she’s helped you learn about food allergies, now is the time to give her a little love back. Please help us out by downloading and sharing. Even better - a positive review, too!
Harley is a 4 1/2-year-old golden retriever allergen-alert service dog trained to detect peanuts for her peanut-allergic human. Harley is also known as Detective Harley, F.A.D.D. (Food Allergy Detection Dog), the international spokesdog for the food allergy community. She is changing the narrative on food allergies by educating, empowering, and encouraging empathy.
Joey is her supportive big brother.
This account is for information only. You should be certain to conduct your own research to ensure your safety from your allergens.
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